January/February 2017
Volume 13/No.1Contents
The Sweet Heart of Mary
Fr. Stefano Miotto F.I.
Mary, Life of the Soul
Mary, First Fruit and Cause of Our Faith in St. Basil the Great
Fr. Luca M. Genovese
Mary in the Writings of the Saints: The Fathers of the Church
The Little Way - A Marian Way: Part 2
Clara and Jonathan Fleischmann
The Immaculate: Mystery and Revelation
Practical Steps for Becoming a Marian Coredeemer: Part 2: Living the Rosary as the Way and the Truth
Br. Anthony Josemaria, F.T.I.
Marian Devotion
The Visitation: A Commentary on Luke 1:44-45
Fr. Giacinto Marie Dagesse
The Immaculate in Scripture
1952: Consecration of the People of Russia to the Immaculate Heart
Msgr. Charles Magnan
Our Lady of Fatima: Countdown to the 100th Anniversary
“Mary of Ants Town” and Catholic Social Doctrine
Fra Charles Anthony M. Robinson, F.I.
Mary and Social Doctrine