Missio Immaculatae

An international bimonthly Marian Catechetical-Missionary magazine dedicated to propagating knowledge and love of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What’s Inside?

You will find articles which will help increase your understanding and love of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Immaculate Mother, Queen, Mediatrix, and Coredemptrix.
All content is faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Our thought provoking articles are contributed by Marian experts.
Each issue of the Missio is filled with beautiful, inspiring images.
Accessible pricing in order to help foster widespread distribution.

Our Lady Coredemptrix and John 14:26

The Immaculate, our dearest Mother, is our advocate as Spouse of the Holy Spirit, and our Coredemptrix, and in this way participates in both the mission of the Holy Spirit and in the mission of the Son. In this article, an exegesis of John 14:26, we examine how the...

Monsignor Arthur B. Calkins: In Memoriam

Ave Maria! We reprint this memorial of Monsignor Arthur Calkins from the International Mariological Society journal, Ecce Mater Tua. Personally I worked with Monsignor on Marian Coredeption Conferences when I was rector (2016-2021) of the Shrine of Our Lady of...

The Devil is Real, and Hell is a Real Place

Recently, society has seen an alarming acceptance of the diabolic in the public arena and opinion. One example is the promotion by militant athiest and satanic groups of After School Satanic Clubs in the public school system. The loss of the sense of sin has led to...

Our Lady, Queen of the Highways

The author of this article shares his experience of Our Lady’s protection over his family when they were taking his sister to begin her new semester at college. The state patrolman told them when he arrived that he expected to find nothing but fatalities. This story...

How the Rosary Spared an Actress from Starring in a Tragedy

Recently an exorcist compelled a demon to give witness to the power of the rosary. The demon stated that if only one member of a family was faithful to praying the rosary for the rest of the family their souls would be saved. Hence the demons try to discourage them...

The Sign of Her Heart

The Sign of Her Heart is a powerful presentation on the history of the scapular and the spirituality of this Marian sacramental grounded in the Old Testament and flowering in the New.Origin of the Promise It is eight hundred and sixty years before Christ. A striking...

A Visit to Sister Agnes, the Marian Prophet of Our Lady of Akita

Father Elias and companions had the opportunity to visit Sister Agnes Sasagawa, the surviving visionary of the apparition of Our Lady at Akita, Japan, during a pilgrimage in April.The readers of the Missio Immaculatae International magazine were aware that there was a...

Science and the Marian Dogmas

The empirical sciences sometimes seem to conflict with faith, especially when they are seen as the only form of true knowledge. Yet when scientists are motivated by a sincere search for truth and recognize their limitations, the sciences can serve as true handmaids to...

Panic Attacks Cured by the Rosary

Venerable Fulton Sheen once said, “The Rosary is the best therapy for these distraught, unhappy, fearful, and frustrated souls, precisely because it involves the simultaneous use of three powers: the physical, the vocal, and the spiritual, and in that order.” No...

Mater et Magistra Theologiae

Mary has rightly been called the Mother and Teacher of Apostles and Evangelists, the Theologian, par excellence, and Teacher of theologians, because she accomplished in a singular and most perfect way the purpose of theology: to understand the mysteries of faith and,...
St. Maximilian Kolbe
“Do not write anything that could not be signed by the Virgin Mary”
This was the standard by which St. Maximilian Kolbe ensured quality control for his Marian Magazine and it is the standard we strive to maintain at Missio Immaculatae.

Get to know your Mother...

“When you start reading something on the Immaculate, do not forget that at that moment you come into contact with a living being, who loves you, who is pure, without stain… She will reveal herself to you through the phrases that you read and will convey to you thoughts, convictions, feelings that the author himself could not possibly even imagine.”
– St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe

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