
Missio Immaculatae

Missio Immaculatae International is a most worthy instrument for growth in knowledge and practice of the Catholic faith… a magazine devoted to fostering that oneness of heart with the Immaculate Heart of Mary which is the way to the giving of one’s heart ever more completely to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Raymond Cardinal Burke

Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

There is nothing I like to receive in the mail more than the latest issue of Missio Immaculatae! It is the most orthodox, pious, and beautiful Marian magazine I have ever seen. The articles are inspiring, the images beautiful, and all the contributors present the full truth about Our Lady. Saint Maximilian Kolbe would want everyone to receive this incredible publication!

Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, STL

Author: Champions of the Rosary: The History and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon

Whether it be through beautiful full-page reproductions of stunning Marian artwork, detailed stories of the lives of the great Marian saints, incisive theological presentations of the writings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, or clear pastoral insights for the Church in the modern world; the contents of the Missio Immaculatae International magazine have one thing in common: Marian maximalism. Serving as an effective antidote to the insipid Marian minimalism to which we were all-too-often subjected during the second half of the twentieth century, the Missio Immaculatae presents us with a Mariology for the twenty-first century: one that will guide the Barque of St. Peter with a sure rudder to the true “Catholic Middle-Ground” between “the two shoals of despairing of man’s native powers because of the fall, or ignoring original sin and so exalting human nature that nothing is supposed to be impossible to man”. This Catholic Middle-Ground, which is as far from minimalism as the summit of a mountain is above its encircling base, is found precisely in the “Mittel” or Mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary—the “Virgin Earth” from whom the humanity of the New Adam was taken—Her Maternal Womb—the Paradise of the New Adam, Jesus Christ—nurturing all the members of His Mystical Body.

Jonathan A. Fleischmann, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor - OPUS College of Engineering

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