2014 November/December
Volume 10/No.6Contents
Blessed are Those Persecuted For Righteousness' Sake
Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
Mary and the Beatitudes
Mary as Mediatrix in Lumen Gentium, N. 62, In Continuity with Guadalupe, Fatima, and Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Gloria Falcão Dodd
Special Feature
Saint Maximilian-Maria Kolbe
Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins
Mary in the Life of the Church: Marian Consecration
The Woman Clothed With The Sun
Jonathan Fleischmann
The Immaculate: Mystery and Revelation
Our Lady Of Kibeho: A Message For The World
Sr. M. Faustina Olson, F.H.I.
Marian Shrines
The Rosary: A Preparation For The Liturgy
Larry Maginot
Marian Doctrine