Archives - Articles
Missio Immaculatae“If good fruits come from good trees, Marian devotion had to be good!”
Either Brother Lawrence and St. Therese were seriously wrong and idolatrous, or they were examples of living the true faith; one doesn’t get prayer totally right and “accidentally” have a child-like devotion to the Mother of God. If I was to follow Brother Lawrence,...
Our Lady and the Second Coming
Advent reminds us not only of the first coming of Our Lord, but also of the second, final one, the Eschaton. The end of the world might still be far away—it is impossible to know when it will happen: we don’t know the day or the hour. But we know for sure that with...
Thank You God for Giving Me My Voice: I Will Become One of Your Priests
Our car went off the highway and spun 8 times. When we finally stopped spinning, a skinny lady in a small, super sky blue car — I mean as blue or more blue than an exceptional spring day sky blue — parked behind my mom. It was Our Lady who took care of the two of us...
You Will Always Be in Pain, but Know that I Will Always Be With You
Mary said to me: “I will never leave you, my child. And my Son will never leave you. You will always be in pain but know that I will always be with you and my Son will always be with you.” Her words gave me great peace and great hope. I know that no matter what...
Our Lady Coredemptrix and John 14:26
The Immaculate, our dearest Mother, is our advocate as Spouse of the Holy Spirit, and our Coredemptrix, and in this way participates in both the mission of the Holy Spirit and in the mission of the Son. In this article, an exegesis of John 14:26, we examine how the...
Monsignor Arthur B. Calkins: In Memoriam
Ave Maria! We reprint this memorial of Monsignor Arthur Calkins from the International Mariological Society journal, Ecce Mater Tua. Personally I worked with Monsignor on Marian Coredeption Conferences when I was rector (2016-2021) of the Shrine of Our Lady of...
The Devil is Real, and Hell is a Real Place
Recently, society has seen an alarming acceptance of the diabolic in the public arena and opinion. One example is the promotion by militant athiest and satanic groups of After School Satanic Clubs in the public school system. The loss of the sense of sin has led to...
Our Lady, Queen of the Highways
The author of this article shares his experience of Our Lady’s protection over his family when they were taking his sister to begin her new semester at college. The state patrolman told them when he arrived that he expected to find nothing but fatalities. This story...
How the Rosary Spared an Actress from Starring in a Tragedy
Recently an exorcist compelled a demon to give witness to the power of the rosary. The demon stated that if only one member of a family was faithful to praying the rosary for the rest of the family their souls would be saved. Hence the demons try to discourage them...
The Sign of Her Heart
The Sign of Her Heart is a powerful presentation on the history of the scapular and the spirituality of this Marian sacramental grounded in the Old Testament and flowering in the New.Origin of the Promise It is eight hundred and sixty years before Christ. A striking...