July/August 2012
Volume 8/No.4Contents
The Mortification of Mary
Fr. Stefano M. Pio Manelli, F.I.
Virtues of Mary
Finding the Face of Christ in the Mystery of the Virgin Birth
Fr. John Lawrence M. Polis, F.I.
Marian Magisterium
Mary as Personified Wisdom: A Commentary On Ecclesiasticus 24:1-5
Dr. Taylor Marshall
The Immaculate in Scripture
Our Response to Our Lady’s Message at Fatima
Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
Special: Our Lady of Fatima
The Sufferings of Our Lady
Fr. Stefano M. Pio Manelli, F.I.
At the School of Mary
The Garden of the Soul: The Marian Waters of Grace and Prayer
Fr. Maximilian M. Dean, F.I.
Marian Spirituality
The Medieval Patrocinium
Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins
Mary in the Life of the Church: Marian Consecration
St. Leonard of Port Maurice
Fr. Luca M. Genovese, F.I.
The Saints and Our Lady
The Editorial Adventure of Fr. Kolbe: From Monthly Magazine to Daily Newspaper
Fr. Alfonso M. A. Bruno, F.I.
Kolbean Pages
Pentecost: On the Praying Presence of Mary
Fr. Peter Damian M. Fehlner, F.I.
Marian Magisterium
The Litany of Loreto: Reflections by Bl. John Henry Newman
Fr. Edward J. Ondrako, O.F.M.Conv.
Mary in the Writings of the Saints
Mary and the Youth
Morgan Siefker
Mary and Social Life