2013 November/December
Volume 9/No.6Contents
Mary, Undoer of Knots
Mrs. Gracieta Santos Small, M.I.M.
Special: The Marian Devotion of Pope Francis
Blessed are Those Who Mourn
Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
Mary and the Beatitudes
Heaven is a Woman Part 4
Jonathan Fleischmann
Marian Doctrine
Mother of Faith
Fr. Peter Damian M. Fehlner, F.I.
Marian Magisterium
The Perfection of Faith in Mary According to St. Ambrose of Milan
Fr. Luca M. Genovese F.I.
Mary in the Writings of the Saints: Fathers of the Church
The Shrine of Cap-De-La-Madeleine
Sr. M. Faustina Olson, F.H.I.
Marian Shrines
Saint Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort Part 2
Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins
Mary in the Life of the Church: Marian Consecration
Berthe Petit and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Part 1: Her Life and Mission from Jesus
Hedwig and Anthony Josemaria, F.T.I.
The Saints and Our Lady
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux: Mirror of the Blessed Virgin
Fr. Maximilian M. Dean, F.I.
Marian Spirituality