2013 September/October
Volume 9/No.5Contents
Our Lady of the Rosary
Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, F.I.
Marian Devotion
Mary in the Doctrinal Poetry of St. John Damascene
Fr. Luca M. Genovese
Mary in the Writings of the Saints: Fathers of the Church
The Marian Spirituality of St. Birgitta of Vadstena
Clara and Jonathan Fleischmann
The Saints and Our Lady
St. Teresa of Avila: From Consecration to Contemplation
Fr. Maximilian M. Dean, F.I.
Marian Spirituality
Fatima and the Sorrowful Heart of Mary
Dr. Courtenay Bartholomew
St. Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort
Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins
Mary in the Life of the Church: Marian Consecration
The Mission of Shrines
Brother John M. Samaha S.M.
Marian Shrines
The Church of the Vietnamese Martyrs and the History of Our Lady of La Vang
Sr. Faustina M. Olson, F.H.I.
Marian Shrines
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
Mary and the Beatitudes