May/June 2020
Volume 16/No.3Contents
Saint Clare: “Imprint of the Mother of God”
Fr. Stefano M. Miotto, F.I.
Mary, Life of the Soul
Mary’s Likeness to God
Fr. Rosario Sammarco, F.I.
Mary in the Writings of the Saints
The Marian Issue in the Church Today According to Peter Damian Fehlner Part 2
Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins
The Marian Issue
Mary of the Rosary of San Nicolás; Our Hope
Robert Feeney
Marian Apparitions
Redemption, Metaphysics, and the Immaculate Conception
Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner
The Immaculate: Mystery and Revelation
Kidnapped and Tortured, She Refused to “Confess”
Joshua Massatt
Mary Our Mother