September/October 2024
Volume 20/No.5Contents
From 'Mother of God' to 'Coredemptrix': Staving Off the Prophecy of Akita and the Threat of Apostasy
Dr. Matthew A. Tsakanikas
The Marian Issue
The Marian Issue
The Surrender Novena in the Light of the Book of Genesis: Journeying through Genesis with the Servant of God Don Dolindo Ruotolo
Elie G. Dib
Mary, Our Mother
Mary, Our Mother
"She Shall Crush Thy Head": The True Reading of Genesis 3:15 The Key to the Doctrine of Mary Coredemptrix Part II
Br. Anthony Pasquale, FTOI
Mary in Sacred Scripture
Mary in Sacred Scripture
So, What is Marian Maximalism Again?
Fr. Matthias M. Sasko, FI
Marian Maximalism
Marian Maximalism
The Shrine That Sits Majestically Atop Holy Hill, Like a Throne for the Almighty
Sr. M. Ancilla Matter, FSGM
Mary, Help of Christians
Mary, Help of Christians
Thank You God for Giving Me My Voice: I Will Become One of Your Priests
Fr. Curt Vogel
Mary, Our Mother