by fra Charles Anthony Mary | Oct 1, 2020
July/August 2020 Volume 16/No.4 Contents Three New Marian Titles in the Litany of Loreto Msgr. Charles M. Mangan Mary Our Mother FATIMA the Movie Kevin Wandra Special Feature Saint Josemaría Escrivá on the Mediation of Mary Fr. Andrew Byrne Mary in the Lives of the...
by fra Charles Anthony Mary | Sep 8, 2020
May/June 2020 Volume 16/No.3 Contents Saint Clare: “Imprint of the Mother of God” Fr. Stefano M. Miotto, F.I.Mary, Life of the Soul Mary’s Likeness to God Fr. Rosario Sammarco, F.I. Mary in the Writings of the Saints b The Marian Issue in the Church Today...
by fra Charles Anthony Mary | May 16, 2020
March/April 2020 Volume 16/No.2 Contents Why is the Mother of God “Co-redemptrix”? Mark I. Miravalle, S.T.D. The Immaculate: Mystery and Revelation The Marian Issue in the Church Today According to Peter Damian Fehlner-Part 1 Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins The Marian Issue...
by Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins | Mar 9, 2020
January/February 2020 Volume 16/No.1 Contents Hail Mary Fr. Stefano M. Miotto, F.I. Mary, Life of the Soul b Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman and Our Lady — Part 2 Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins Mary at the Foot of the Cross: Father Peter Damian Fehlner’s Contribution...
by Sr. M. Ancilla Matter, F.S.G.M. and Fr. Elias Mills, F.I | Feb 4, 2020
November/December 2019 Volume 15/No.6 Contents The Immaculate and the Eucharist Fr. Stephano M. Miotto, FI Mary, Life of the Soul Pope Benedict XV: Promoter of the Universal Mediatrix of Peace Gloria Falcão Dodd Mary in the Life of the Church b Stabat Mater...