Archives - Articles
Missio ImmaculataeA Visit to Sister Agnes, the Marian Prophet of Our Lady of Akita
Father Elias and companions had the opportunity to visit Sister Agnes Sasagawa, the surviving visionary of the apparition of Our Lady at Akita, Japan, during a pilgrimage in April.The readers of the Missio Immaculatae International magazine were aware that there was a...
Science and the Marian Dogmas
The empirical sciences sometimes seem to conflict with faith, especially when they are seen as the only form of true knowledge. Yet when scientists are motivated by a sincere search for truth and recognize their limitations, the sciences can serve as true handmaids to...
Panic Attacks Cured by the Rosary
Venerable Fulton Sheen once said, “The Rosary is the best therapy for these distraught, unhappy, fearful, and frustrated souls, precisely because it involves the simultaneous use of three powers: the physical, the vocal, and the spiritual, and in that order.” No...
Mater et Magistra Theologiae
Mary has rightly been called the Mother and Teacher of Apostles and Evangelists, the Theologian, par excellence, and Teacher of theologians, because she accomplished in a singular and most perfect way the purpose of theology: to understand the mysteries of faith and,...
October: The Month of the Rosary
Every year during the month of October, the Church celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and even dedicates the whole month in a special way to the prayer of the Rosary. The Rosary is the Marian prayer, par excellence, and has been so highly recommended by...
The Brown Scapular and the Interior Life
Undoubtedly, the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is one of the most popular and well-grounded Marian devotions and sacramentals in the Church. It is to be worn as a sign of one’s entrustment or consecration to Our Lady, a reminder of her presence in our...
The Saints and Our Lady
While it is true that every saint is a unique and unrepeatable masterpiece of divine grace, it is also true that every saint has certain common characteristics, among which is a fervent devotion to Our Lady, a filial love for the Mother of all Christians and Queen of...
Venerable Father Nelson H. Baker:
Future Marian Saint
Venerable Nelson Baker left the Catholic Church in America a legacy of sanctity and a place of pilgrimage: the Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of Victory, in Lackawanna, in the Diocese of Buffalo, New York. The beauty of this Shrine, comparable to the greatest cathedrals...
Marian Maximalism: Notion, Proof, and Assent
In order to be Christian, one must also be Marian, but how Marian can and should a Christian be? To be Marian only minimally would be inexcusable for anyone who claims to love Christ and all that He loves, most especially His Mother; to be Marian in a moderate way,...
The Virgin Shall Give Birth: The Road to the Dogmatic Definition
The perpetual virginity of Mary is a dogma of the Catholic Faith which is intimately linked to the mystery of Christ’s Incarnation and Birth and which underlines His two natures, human and divine. The preaching and writing of various popes and early Church Fathers...