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Missio ImmaculataeThe Five Marian Stones
St. Bonaventure tells us that Mary is spoken of “everywhere in Scripture” (Collationes in Hexaemeron, c. 13, n. 20). A wonderful example is found in the well-known scriptural account of David and Goliath. The five smooth stones chosen by David signify what we might...
Praying with Mary, Part II
At the very outset of our prayer, we should invite Our Lady to accompany us, so that she may impart to us her treasured memories of Jesus’ life and salvific work, allowing us to see Him through the eyes of her immaculate, compassionate Heart. Blessed Pope John Paul...
An Educator of Saints: Rev. Emile Neubert, S.M.
Through his countless writings, Father Emile Neubert continued Our Lady’s task of raising up “another Jesus,” another saint. With each new publication, he championed the apostolic role of the Mother of Christ and was considered by bishops and priests an exceptional...
The “Franciscan Thesis” and Pope Benedict XVI: Part II
The Immaculate Conception of Mary, according to the thought of Pope Benedict XVI, takes form in relation to the espousals of Christ and the Church. The Church becomes holy and immaculate to the degree that it is an extension of Mary, its pre-eminent member. This is...
The “Franciscan Thesis” and Pope Benedict XVI: Part I
The Immaculate Conception of Mary, according to the thought of Pope Benedict XVI, takes form in relation to the espousals of Christ and the Church. The Church becomes holy and immaculate to the degree that it is an extension of Mary, its pre-eminent member. This is...
Mary, Mirror of Divine Beauty in Saint Ephrem the Syrian
Saint Ephrem, “Harp of the Holy Spirit,” “Mary’s Own Singer” and Doctor of the Church, was a prolific writer and poet of the Eastern Church during the fourth century AD. The one who inspired him was the Blessed Virgin Mary, and he translated the praises of her beauty...
Mary as Personified Wisdom: A Commentary on Ecclesiasticus 24:6-10
The Virgin Mary, Queen of all nations, Queen of all hearts, who “held in [her] womb Him whom the heavens cannot contain” (St. Cyril of Alexandria), is wonderfully prefigured in all her splendor in the Book of Ecclesiaticus (Sirach), Chapter 24. Verses 6-10 of this...
Mary and the Youth
The secular world of today is a powerful force in luring young people away from the practice of virtue. First and foremost, parents must entrust their children, from the cradle, to Mary’s care and protection. There is no possible way to combat this cultural decadence...
The Words of Our Lady of Fatima
When Our Lady appeared to the three shepherd children at Fatima in 1917, she delivered to the world a message as simple as it is timely. She gently but gravely reminded her wayward children to turn back to the Gospel with their whole heart by way of her Immaculate...
“Marian Slavery” in the Early Centuries
Marian consecration, when referred to as “slavery,” is one of desire to please, one of the will—not imposed under duress to be shackled in chains for a master’s ruthless intentions. On the contrary, it is a patronage of ardent love, binding heart to Heart. This...